Sunday, July 10, 2011


Today we will take K to horse camp, she has actually been rather stable lately.  K is 14 and has incredible mood swings~ nothing has been confirmed but... her mother was mentally ill.  I said, was because the girls mother passed away very suddenly last Jan.  M. has been divorced from her since 09 maybe 08 well they were separated for over a year before things started moving as far as the divorce.  She remarried I guess pretty quickly after the divorce was final. 

I moved in with M. last May  2010, after my sister died from bone cancer.  I was with her as she wanted me to be.  She and I had discussed it.
I will write more later.  Much to do before we leave~ and the best part of dropping K off is M and I get to go on a date.  The little girls are going to spend the night at grandma's and H.  the 16 yr old is staying the night with a friend. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's see how this goes~

Had a graduation party yesterday~ things seemed to go ok.  She got some money and gift cert. 

So I have kept journals for years~ I mean aside from those years when I quit writing because of the ex. reading my writing and then jumping to some very strange conclusions such as I was having multiple affairs- with men and women.  Nevermind the fact he didn't bother to notice~ it was a dream journal where I wrote down dreams- and one of those dreams I had was about Denzel Washington. And surely I would have remembered having sex with him.  But the  ex. didn't read it very closely or something.  Anyway I stopped writing for awhile and really missed having that outlet.  And I did have plenty of things to write about ~ but I have to see how this goes before I get into the serious, interesting stuff.  Some of it could be rather incriminating~ and that is what happened after I was accused.  I was pretty innocent before those accusations were made about me.  Then he (the ex.) started treating me like I was some kind of low life slut~ when actually I think it was to cover up the fact he had his own little secrets.  Some I am pretty sure he doesn't even want to admit to others and possibly himself.